With TV online Univ (formerly called TV Online Spain) you will enjoy some of the television channels of Spain, France, Italy, Mexico, Argentina, etc for free! And if you want to add a channel, a video, … you like you can thanks to the support of a private list of channels to your measure. And also available for Windows Phone, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 UWP (PC, tablet, Mobile, Xbox, HoloLens etc.), Android from 4.x, iOS. If you have other device, there is available a web player that you can control from any device with app. Download and start to enjoy your TV whenever you want.

Download the app for Amazon Fire TV from here
I recommend you to read this article in order to use app on iOS
There are a few channels by default available, do you want more? Write to me and the television network or the social network in order to be able to complete the integration process faster. Meanwhile you can easily add the channels thanks to the developed detection engine. You can see the steps here
And if you like to test the new standard DVB-I on app (now it is partial) or you would like to know more, read here
Support main TV channels from Spain and other countries (France, Germany, Portugal, Mexico, …)
Support Add channels/video files manually. Lists in XML, M3U, W3U
Metro interface
Formatos compatibles ISML, HLS (m3u8), mp4, mpeg, Dash, mms, rtsp…
Contact to suggest, comment, … on the app, channels, …
Adaptable the player and its contents to the size of the window.
- Anclaje al inicio de las canales que desees.
- Timer
Synchronization between devices
Program guide of the channels (according to availability) in different formats
- Searcher
- Guide While you are seeing
- Numeric zapping
- File player
Control with arrow keys
Voice control with Cortana
Remote control between devices
Compatible with Microsoft Band
- Recording