How to see channels of Movistar or other Multicast channels on app

If you have Movistar, other providers, servers, etc. that use Multicast as transport on local network, I’m going to explain the tip in order to see them.  The app on the future updates will support it, but while you can see them using a tool that is called “udpxy”.

This tool converts the multicast to unicast and you can use this tool on Routers (for example, router ASUS as RT-AC1200G+), on small computers as Raspberry PI, until windows. In addition, if you redirect the port in router you can see them from out your home. Although my recommendation is you use a VPN PPTP, IPSEC,… on the same device that has udpxy and then you can see them with protection.

In this post, I’m not going to explain as install udpxy on each device , I will explain it on other post dedicated to it. On any case, you can contact to me by email, twitter,… in order to ask questions that you have.

We are going to imagine that we have configurated udpxy on Raspberry PI with IP on the 4022 port (udpxy -p 4022), and I we have a m3u list with the following channels of Movistar.


#EXTINF:-1 ,#0 HD


#EXTINF:-1 ,La 1 HD


#EXTINF:-1 ,La 2 HD


#EXTINF:-1 ,Antena 3 HD



We have to replace on each channel url of list the following “rtp://@” by “http://ip:puerto/udp/”. With data of sample, the m3u list will be the following:


#EXTINF:-1 ,#0 HD

#EXTINF:-1 ,La 1 HD

#EXTINF:-1 ,La 2 HD

#EXTINF:-1 ,Antena 3 HD

Now you can load the list on app and you can see channels & record them.

Remember, in the case of Movistar, etc. that allows only a channel at the same time, you can not see with PiP or record different channels with exception that you have contracted multi set top box.